Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Media Example #3

I loved Julia's example. It was so much better to watch and listen to a video about the fashion rather than read about it, which is what makes writing for fashion so difficult. I also liked that he captured normal women walking around and didn't just use pictures from the runways. I am definitely going to check out his other video posts from now on. Thanks for sharing!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Design for the Winter


During the winter months the home becomes a large part of our daily lives, especially those who live somewhere covered in snow five months out of the year. Once the holidays pass an emptiness fills the house; for those lounging around the house this is a good time to change things up and reorganize. Anything from a new paint coat to a new container will make you feel more organized and active about your space. Often after the holidays there are some great deals from places like The Container Store and Home Depot. This closet turned office space is the perfect example of organization and style at its best. So use some of your holiday money and go buy a cute cork board for ticket stubs and random business cards or a nice drawer organizer so you can always find your favorite pair of socks.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lia's media example

Media Example #1

I liked Lia's article and I think Glamour is one of the better magazines. I also don't think I am the only girl who enjoys reading love related articles written by men. It is a new perspective and it also gives me hope that there are mature enough men out there to write for Glamour.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Media Example

Media Example

Since I went away to boarding school in high school I’ve read the Indy Star almost every day. Indiana may seem like an open space of nothing, but once a Hoosier always a Hoosier. The Super Bowl coming to Indianapolis is one of the biggest events that I can remember ever gracing our town, besides the Final Four tournament that has often occurred in Indianapolis. So when I heard that the 2012 Super Bowl was going to take place in the Lucas Oil Stadium I almost peed my pants and so did every other Colts fan, we had so much hope to be the first team to go to a Super Bowl until...this summer when Peyton Manning’s surgeries failed and nine other Colts’ starters were dropping like flies and it became clear that the Colts would not make it. That is when every Colts fan knew that the next best thing was to NOT see Tom Brady win his fourth Super Bowl ring on Peyton’s turf. This article perfectly describes every Indiana resident who is a lover of the Colts and I will be sending it to my old high school science teacher, a lover of the Patriots.