Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Media Example #15

I thought Liz's article was really interesting. I use the word 'like' a lot, but I notice when other people say it and realize it has become popular word that shows the difference in speech patterns between generations. This article was one of the most interesting media examples we've had, so informative!
Media Example #16

I think this was a good media example because it was a funny and interesting story, but Daniel did have a point. Was it really news worthy? I think sites like the Huffington Post are nice because you can browse through their website and read stories that aren't so depressing, which is often times the case on sites like the Washington Post and The New York Times. I enjoy reading news stories like these once in a while.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Media Example #14

I thought Charlie's example was great and not something I have not seen before. I thought the topic was really interesting and different, but barstool put a different spin on it. I think barstool is a good blog, but I am definitely going to check this section out again.
Media Example #13

I liked Joey's example because it fits really well with our weekly blog assignments. Most of us are new to the blogging world so it was interesting to read about. I also love the Huffington Post because they have really great writers!