Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Media Example #12

I love Annabelle's example. Meeting nice people is the best and I love when there are stories about all the good things going on in the world because news can be really sad most of the time. I also liked that the story included a video. The Huffington Post does a really nice job with their news stories and the contents of their news stories. It isn't just text and they have all different types of stories.
Media Example #11

I think Lindsay's example is a really good example of mass media because Facebook is creating reasons for more people to stay on Facebook, keeping their attention on their site. But I think it is a good way to keep people updates. I know that not only does the Washington Post have an application, but Yahoo has one as well. There are so many more outlets for news with Facebook and Twitter around.
Media Example #10

I love Caroline's example. My friends and I love C of C memes and I agree they do create a sense of community between the college students since it is something we all understand or know about. This is a really good media example.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Media Example #9

Annie Rose's media example was long and since I don't watch Six Feet Under it wasn't the most interesting article. But when all my favorite shows end in the summer I might remember this and watch it during a rainy day.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wildlife Exhibit-Marion Square

If you went to Marion Square this weekend you were probably there to view the Wildlife Exhibit. Rain boots were necessary with large rain puddles making it difficult to get to the numerous tents and overcast clouds suggesting more rain. But none of that mattered to all of the children who were running around dragging their dogs to and from tents with parents right behind them.

The most popular tent was towards the back with red and white stripes; it housed the mammals, which ranged from sheep to African porcupines. My friends and I were lucky enough to enjoy a free cup of grain, which allowed us to feed sheep, goats, a Scottish Highland, a zebu and a yak. The yak had the most unusual mouth with perfectly square, white teeth and a nose softer than any animals nose, probably in the world. Those unaccustomed to the smell of animals might not enjoy walking through the tent, but the warm breeze that came through the tented lifted away most of the odor.

Outside the tent the air was filled with the smell of elephant ears and pulled pork sandwiches. The pulled pork sandwiches were definitely a bit of a rip off. My friend ordered a sandwich and pink lemonade only to realize that they only gave you half a sandwich.

Besides the mammals tent, Birds of Prey set up a section outside where you were able to ask questions about the owls, falcons, and other large, dangerous birds. Besides those two tents and the reptile tent, the entrance to Marion was filled with bungee jumps and blow up moon bounces. To the left were about five different Chevy trucks and cars with a free t-shirt for those who completed a survey; I now own a large size Chevy t-shirt.

After meandering about, playing and petting with all the dogs, we left. If you were not willing to pay a full day pass for the kid moon bounces and a bungee jump there was really nothing else left to do. The exhibit did appeal more towards the family, which was apparent when walking down King Street and realizing you have seen more kids on this Sunday than every other day combined this semester and last.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tsunami: steaks-seafood-sushi

In downtown Charleston near the corner of Market and East Bay is where the steaks, seafood, and sushi restaurant Tsunami can be found. My first experience at Tsunami was with my dad. It was recommended to us by his then girlfriend who acted a little too young for her age, and who for some reason I always pictured with a cosmopolitan or mojito in hand.

I was expecting a cheap sushi place that one might find on Venice beach in Miami, but I was wrong. Its style of decoration is Asian with a modern twist; blue lights, a large fish tank, and a bar. Dark wood and black boothes along the walls makes a more intimate space, yet the restaurant does a great job with making the space flow. Yes, maybe somewhat Miami Beach, but chic.

The atmosphere is young and fresh with quick service and great sushi. This is a great place to go for the young couple or those who are tired of the classic Southern restaurants speckled across downtown Charleston. You will not find elderly couples from the Carnival cruise ships or large, 10+ family groups with screaming kids.

The dining hours are from 4:30pm-12am and the bar hours are from 4:30pm-2am. I highly recommend stopping by some time for their modern atmosphere and fresh sushi.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Stonehenge Event Piece

For my event I am going to an Art History lecture on Stonehenge. The presenter is Professor Mike Parker Pearson and he will be covering the new discoveries surrounding Stonehenge, specifically the results of the Stonehenge Riverside Project. The sources I hope to talk to are: Pearson himself, the Art History department chair and those involved in having Pearson come speak, as well as those in attendance.
Media Example #8

I really enjoyed the article and Joe's picture, I am extremely jealous! I think Eric Wilson did a good job of showing Christian Siriano after 'Project Runway', after winning four years ago it is time to move on. Which is exactly what this article talked about. It was interesting and I love Christian as a designer.
Media Example #7

I liked the simplicity, but the funny animations like the one from Mrs. Doubtfire were hilarious and really added to the blog. If I was just searching the internet I probably wouldn't stay on this blog for long though because nothing else really caught my attention.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Question Lead

I found my article from the Huffington Post and can be found here.

"What lies ahead for planet Earth? In the next 50 million to 200 million years, geologists have predicted that the continents will smash together to create one big supercontinent that scientists call 'Amasia.' But a new computer model suggests that geologists may have to slightly shift their thinking."

I really liked this lead because although it was a question lead it grabbed my attention. The question was so open ended, but what I liked is that after the question the reader was given more information. The last sentence really draws you in because you want to know about the new computer model.
Media Example #6

I loved the website HelloGiggles! Once I read "founded by Zooey Deschanel" I knew I would enjoy this website. I like how it is a simple website that does not overwhelm the reader with too much text, which a lot of websites tend to do. Or websites tend to have a complicated website layout, but HelloGiggles provides a simple layout which makes it easier for the not so savvy internet surfer. Thanks for sharing! This is going on my bookmarks bar for sure.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


My article come from the Journal Gazette.

Who: The article is about Indianapolis and Hoosiers in general.

What: The article talks about the effort that Indianapolis put into the Super Bowl and the great reviews that the city received.

When: It takes numbers from a 10 day period, specifically when the Super Bowl village opened.

Where: Indianapolis, Indiana.

Why: This event was important for Indianapolis as a city and may have a good economic impact on the city as well as receiving future tourists. This was also good for Indiana as a community, especially Indianapolis.
Media Example #5

I am not the biggest fan of relationships and I have really only had one, so it was hard for me to relate to the article which I think is an important part of a blog. But I did enjoy how the author put it into 5 easy tips and kept them short and to the point. There are a lot of blogs about love and romance and they tend to be repetitive in their posts, but the author had a goal in mind when writing this, which was things to do before marriage. I think with a topic so abstract it is important to have an idea of what you want the reader to take away from the blog post.
Media Example #4

I loved Lauren's example! It was funny and included pictures. I especially enjoyed the Alot example and now whenever I happen across the word "alot" I am going to imagine a big hairy creature. And although it was a rant about incorrect grammar it was not just a blog going on and on about grammatical errors, which I find a lot of blogs to be about. It was nice to see a funny rant for a change.