Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wildlife Exhibit-Marion Square

If you went to Marion Square this weekend you were probably there to view the Wildlife Exhibit. Rain boots were necessary with large rain puddles making it difficult to get to the numerous tents and overcast clouds suggesting more rain. But none of that mattered to all of the children who were running around dragging their dogs to and from tents with parents right behind them.

The most popular tent was towards the back with red and white stripes; it housed the mammals, which ranged from sheep to African porcupines. My friends and I were lucky enough to enjoy a free cup of grain, which allowed us to feed sheep, goats, a Scottish Highland, a zebu and a yak. The yak had the most unusual mouth with perfectly square, white teeth and a nose softer than any animals nose, probably in the world. Those unaccustomed to the smell of animals might not enjoy walking through the tent, but the warm breeze that came through the tented lifted away most of the odor.

Outside the tent the air was filled with the smell of elephant ears and pulled pork sandwiches. The pulled pork sandwiches were definitely a bit of a rip off. My friend ordered a sandwich and pink lemonade only to realize that they only gave you half a sandwich.

Besides the mammals tent, Birds of Prey set up a section outside where you were able to ask questions about the owls, falcons, and other large, dangerous birds. Besides those two tents and the reptile tent, the entrance to Marion was filled with bungee jumps and blow up moon bounces. To the left were about five different Chevy trucks and cars with a free t-shirt for those who completed a survey; I now own a large size Chevy t-shirt.

After meandering about, playing and petting with all the dogs, we left. If you were not willing to pay a full day pass for the kid moon bounces and a bungee jump there was really nothing else left to do. The exhibit did appeal more towards the family, which was apparent when walking down King Street and realizing you have seen more kids on this Sunday than every other day combined this semester and last.

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